
Welcome to AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited. AmericanDream11 LLC operates in the United States, while AmericanDream11 Limited operates in Canada. These Terms and Conditions govern the use of our fantasy sports platform and services provided by both entities. 

By accessing and using our platform, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions. It's essential to review and understand these terms before using our services. Please note that these terms specifically apply to users accessing our platform from the United States and Canada. 

We strive to provide an engaging and responsible gaming experience for all users. These terms outline the rules, obligations, and guidelines governing your use of our fantasy sports services. Your acceptance of these terms signifies your agreement to comply with our policies and regulations while utilizing our platform.  

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms or our services, please contact us for clarification. Thank you for choosing AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited for your fantasy sports experience.  


By accessing or using the services provided by AmericanDream11 LLC (for users in the USA) and AmericanDream11 Limited (for users in Canada), you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Your access or use of the services implies your consent and acceptance of these terms. These terms constitute a binding agreement between you and American Dream11 LLC/AmericanDream11 Limited.  

In addition to these terms, your use of the services also binds you to the Privacy Policy and any other operational rules, guidelines, or procedures that may be published or made available by American Dream11 LLC/AmericanDream11 Limited. These supplementary documents are hereby incorporated by reference into these terms and form an integral part of this agreement. Your continued use of the services following any updates or modifications to these terms signifies your acceptance of such changes. If you do not agree to abide by these terms or any future modifications, you are advised to discontinue using the services provided by AmericanDream11 LLC/AmericanDream11 Limited. 


AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to modify or update these Terms and Conditions at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised terms on the website or through the mobile application (App). Users are responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms to stay informed of any updates.

2.1. Notification of Changes  
Notification methods for changes to these Terms may include, but are not limited to:
● Website Updates: Changes will be published on the official website of AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited.
● App Notifications: Users may receive notifications through the mobile application regarding modifications to the Terms.
● Email Communication: In some cases, users might be informed about substantial changes via email to the address associated with their account.

2.2. Acceptance or Refusal of Modified Terms  
Upon the implementation of revised Terms and Conditions, users' continued use of the services, including accessing the website or using the App, will constitute acceptance of the updated Terms. Should users disagree with the modifications made to the Terms, they must refrain from using the services and deactivate their account(s).

AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited reserve the right to terminate or suspend access to the services for users who do not agree to abide by the updated Terms and Conditions. 


3.1. Limited Usage License
AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited grant users a limited, non-exclusive license to access and utilize the services provided through their platforms. This license is solely for personal use in accordance with the outlined terms and conditions. 

3.2. Restrictions on Usage  
● Users are explicitly prohibited from:
● Modifying, copying, reproducing, or distributing the platform's content for commercial purposes without explicit authorization.
● Using the services in a manner that infringes upon intellectual property rights, violates privacy policies, or breaches security measures.
● Engaging in any form of reverse engineering, decompiling, or attempting to extract the source code from the platform.

3.3. Termination and Consequences of Breach  
In the event of a breach of these terms or misuse of the granted license, AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited reserve the right to:
● Terminate the user's license to access the services immediately.
● Take appropriate legal action or pursue remedies available under the law.
●Seek compensation for damages or losses incurred due to the breach of the license agreement.


4.1. Account Creation 
● Users must provide accurate, complete, and updated information during registration.
● Information may include username, password, email, date of birth, and contact details.

4.2. Prohibited Activities 
Users are prohibited from engaging in misuse, which includes but is not limited to:
● Multi Accounting: Creating multiple accounts for a single user.
● Account Sharing: Allowing others to access or use their account.

4.3. Violation Consequences 
If violations of the registration terms are identified:
● Warning: Initial notification and warning about the violation.
● Account Suspension: Temporary suspension of account access.
● Account Termination: Permanent closure of the account.

4.4. Account Responsibility 
● Users are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account details.
● They must promptly report any unauthorized use or suspected security breach.

4.5. Compliance Obligation 
● Users must adhere to all registration requirements and terms outlined in this document.
● Failure to comply may result in account-related actions by the platform.

4.6. Verification Procedures  
● The platform reserves the right to verify user information and identity through requested documentation.
● Users may be required to provide additional details to confirm eligibility or compliance.

4.7. Policy Updates  
● Users are responsible for staying informed about any changes or updates to the registration policy.
● Continued use of the platform post-modification indicates acceptance of the updated terms.


5.1. Age and Location Requirements:  
● To participate in the Fantasy Sports Contests provided by American Dream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited, users must be of legal age in their respective jurisdiction.
● Individuals under the legal age are not eligible to engage in the contests offered by the platform.
● Additionally, users must ensure compliance with the laws and regulations governing online gaming and gambling in their location of access.

5.2. Verification Procedures 
● AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited reserve the right to verify the eligibility of users participating in Fantasy Sports Contests.
● Users may be required to provide accurate and up-to-date information, including but not limited to age verification, location, and any other necessary documentation to establish eligibility.
● The platform retains the authority to request additional information or documentation for the verification process at its discretion.
● Users acknowledge and agree to cooperate with the verification procedures outlined by the platform.

5.3. Compliance Responsibility 
● Users are solely responsible for ensuring their eligibility to participate in Fantasy Sports Contests as per the specified age and location requirements.
● AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited shall not be held liable for any breach of eligibility requirements by users.

5.4. Termination of Ineligible Accounts 
● In the event that a user is found to be ineligible or fails to comply with the verification procedures, AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited reserve the right to terminate such accounts or restrict access to Fantasy Sports Contests.

5.5. Dispute Resolution 
● Disputes arising concerning eligibility or verification shall be addressed by AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited in accordance with the dispute resolution mechanisms outlined in the Terms and Conditions.

5.6. No Refund 
● All payments are final. No refunds will be issued. If there is a conflict as to who submitted an input, it will be assumed to have been made by the person whose name the account was registered with.

5.7. Withdrawal 
● Only Winning amounts are withdrawable if it is hitting the minimum threshold which is subject to change from time to time. Utilized cash(Deposit/Bonus) and Cash bonus is strictly not withdrawable in any circumstances.


6.1. Description of Services  
● AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited offer an innovative fantasy sports platform designed to provide users with engaging and skill-based contests. Through our website and mobile applications, users can participate in a variety of fantasy sports competitions that involve creating teams, managing player selections, and competing against other participants based on the real-life performance of athletes in sporting events.
● Our platform caters to enthusiasts of various sports, allowing users to indulge in fantasy contests related to multiple sports disciplines, including but not limited to Cricket, basketball, football, soccer, baseball, and more. The service provides a virtual arena for users to showcase their sports knowledge, strategic thinking, and team management skills.

6.2. Rights Reservation  
● While committed to offering an exceptional user experience, AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited reserve the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue services at their discretion. This reservation includes but is not limited to adjustments in contest formats, rule amendments, or changes in offered sports categories.
● The platforms may introduce new features, contests, or functionalities to enhance user engagement and experience. Conversely, there might be circumstances necessitating the temporary suspension or permanent discontinuation of specific services or features, which will be executed at the sole discretion of the platform administrators.
● We strive to maintain transparency and will make reasonable efforts to notify users of any significant modifications, suspensions, or discontinuations through appropriate channels available, such as website announcements, mobile app notifications, or via email.


7.1. Acceptable Use Guidelines  
Users of the AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited platforms are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:
● Compliance: Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations while using the platform.
● Ethical Use: Engage in ethical and fair practices, respecting other users and the platform's integrity.
● Account Security: Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their accounts, including safeguarding login credentials and promptly reporting any unauthorized access.

7.2. Prohibited Conduct 
To ensure a safe and fair environment for all users, the following actions are strictly prohibited:
● Fraudulent Activity: Any form of fraudulent behavior, including but not limited to, manipulation of games, use of unauthorized scripts, or exploitation of system vulnerabilities.
● Misuse of Services: Users are prohibited from misusing the platform's services for illegal activities, including money laundering, illicit gambling, or any actions contrary to the platform's intended use.
● Impersonation: Users shall not impersonate other individuals or entities, including AmericanDream11 LLC or AmericanDream11 Limited staff or affiliates.

7.3. Reporting Violations 
Users are encouraged to report any suspected violations of these guidelines or instances of improper conduct observed on the platform. AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited will investigate reported violations and take appropriate actions, including suspension or termination of accounts involved in prohibited activities.


8.1. Data Collection  
● We collect user information upon registration, including but not limited to usernames, passwords, contact details, and identification data for account verification.
● Additional data may be gathered for eligibility verification, including age and location information, aligned with relevant legal requirements.

8.2. Storage and Security  
● All user data is stored securely on our servers, utilizing industry-standard security measures to safeguard information from unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure.
● We prioritize data encryption, access controls, and regular security audits to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of user information.

8.3. Usage Policies  
● User data is utilized for account management, personalized services, and to comply with legal and regulatory obligations.
● We may use aggregated and anonymized data for analytical purposes, improving user experience and enhancing our services.

8.4. Privacy Laws Compliance  
● We adhere to privacy laws in the USA and Canada, ensuring compliance with regulations governing data protection, user privacy, and information security.
● Our practices align with the principles outlined in applicable privacy laws to protect user rights and maintain transparency in data handling procedures.

8.5. User Consent and Control  
● Users have the right to access, modify, or delete their personal information stored on our platform, subject to legal constraints and account security considerations.
● We provide options for users to manage their preferences regarding data usage and communication, ensuring control over their information.

8.6. Third-party Services  
● Certain functionalities may involve third-party services or integrations; users are encouraged to review the privacy policies of these external services, which may have separate data handling practices.

8.7. Updates and Notifications  
● We reserve the right to update our data handling and privacy policies, and users will be notified of any material changes through appropriate communication channels.
● Continued use of our services after policy updates constitutes acceptance of revised terms regarding data handling and privacy.


9.1. Ownership  
AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited ("the Company") retain all rights, titles, and interests in and to the platform, including but not limited to trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights. Users acknowledge that the platform and its content are protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws.

9.2. Use of Content  
Users are granted a limited, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license to access and use the platform solely for personal and non-commercial purposes in accordance with these terms. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or modification of the platform's content without explicit consent from the Company is strictly prohibited.

9.3. Trademarks and Copyrights  
All trademarks, service marks, and logos displayed on the platform are registered and unregistered trademarks of the Company or third parties. Users are prohibited from using these trademarks without prior written permission from the Company or the respective owners.

9.4. User-Generated Content  
By submitting or posting any content on the platform, users grant the Company a worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, and sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such content. Users represent and warrant that they have the necessary rights to grant the Company this license for any content they submit.

9.5. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Compliance  
The Company respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects users to do the same. If users believe that their copyrighted work has been infringed upon on the platform, they may follow the procedures outlined in the DMCA for reporting copyright infringement.

9.6. Reporting Intellectual Property Infringement  
If users believe that any content on the platform infringes upon their intellectual property rights or violates these terms, they should promptly contact the Company's designated agent at team@americandream11.us with the following information:
● A description of the copyrighted work or intellectual property claimed to have been infringed.
● Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or the subject of infringing activity, along with information reasonably sufficient to locate the material on the platform.
● Contact information, including the user's address, telephone number, and email address.
● A statement by the user that they have a good faith belief that the use of the material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
● A statement made under penalty of perjury that the information provided in the notice is accurate and that the user is the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner.


The AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited employ cookies and tracking technologies across their website and mobile applications. These technologies, detailed in the Cookies Policy, include cookies and various tracking methods to enhance user experiences, analyze website usage, and personalize content and advertising. The policy outlines the types and purposes of cookies used, categorizing them into essential, analytical, functional, and advertising/targeting cookies. Users have the ability to manage cookie preferences through browser settings, although refusal of certain cookies might impact access to some platform features. By using the AmericanDream11 platforms, users consent to the described use of cookies and tracking technologies, with the ability to modify settings or withdraw consent at any time. Additionally, the policy indicates AmericanDream11's right to update the Cookies Policy, with any significant changes communicated to users through appropriate channels.


11.1. Disclaimer of Warranties  
AmericanDream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited ("American Dream11") provide their services on an "as is" and "as available" basis. While utmost efforts are made to ensure accuracy, reliability, and functionality, AmericanDream11 does not warrant or guarantee:
● The accuracy, completeness, or reliability of information or content on the platform.
● The uninterrupted, timely, or secure access to the platform.
● The absence of errors or defects on the platform.

11.1. Disclaimer of Warranties  
AmericanDream11 shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to:
● Loss of profits, revenue, data, or other intangible losses.
● Any unauthorized access to or use of our servers and/or any personal information stored therein.
● Any errors, viruses, bugs, or glitches that may be transmitted through the platform.
● Users acknowledge and agree that AmericanDream11 and its affiliates, officers, employees, agents, and partners shall not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use the platform.


12.1. Promotion of Responsible Gaming Practices  
AmericanDream11 is committed to promoting responsible gaming practices and ensuring a safe and enjoyable gaming experience for all users. We advocate for responsible gaming behaviors and encourage users to:
● Set limits on time and expenditure while engaging in gaming activities.
● Avoid using gaming as a primary source of income.
● Refrain from excessive or compulsive gaming behaviors.

12.2. Actions Taken for Responsible Play  
To minimize harm and promote responsible play, AmericanDream11:
● Provides resources and information regarding responsible gaming.
● Implements tools for users to set limits on deposits, losses, and playtime.
● Encourages users to take breaks and seek support if gaming habits become concerning.


13.1. Specification of Laws  
The use of AmericanDream11 services and any disputes arising thereof are governed by the laws of Canada and USA, without regard to conflict of law principles.

13.2. Clarification of Jurisdictions for Dispute Resolution  
Any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with the use of AmericanDream11 services shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Canada and USA. Users agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of these courts for the resolution of disputes.


14.1. Notification Methods for Changes  
AmericanDream11 reserves the right to update or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Users will be notified of significant updates through prominent notifications on the platform or via registered email addresses.

14.2. User Responsibility to Review and Accept Updated Terms  
Users are responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms and Conditions. Continued use of AmericanDream11 services after the posting of any modifications constitutes acceptance of the updated Terms.