
This Cookies Policy explains how American Dream11 LLC and AmericanDream11 Limited ("American Dream11," "we," "us," or "our") use cookies and similar tracking technologies on our platforms, including the website and mobile applications. By using our services, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy.

  1. What are Cookies and Tracking Technologies?

    Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device (computer, tablet, mobile phone) when you visit a website or use a mobile application. These files contain data specific to your browsing activity and preferences, helping to enhance your user experience. Tracking technologies encompass various methods used to gather data about your online activities, aiding in analyzing website usage patterns and customizing user experiences.

  2. Types of Cookies Used

    American Dream11 utilizes several types of cookies:

    Essential Cookies: Necessary for the basic functionalities of the website, such as authentication and security.
    Analytical/Performance Cookies: Allow us to analyze website performance, enhance user experiences, and improve our services.
    Functionality Cookies: Enable the customization of user preferences and settings.
    Advertising/Targeting Cookies: Serve to deliver targeted advertisements based on user interests and behaviors.

  3. Purpose of Cookies

    These cookies and tracking technologies serve multiple purposes:

    ● Facilitating efficient navigation and use of our platform.
    ● Analyzing website usage to enhance performance and user experiences.
    ● Customizing content and advertising based on user preferences and behaviors.

  4. User Control and Consent

    Users have the option to manage cookie preferences through browser settings. Most browsers offer controls to accept, reject, or delete cookies. However, rejecting certain cookies may limit access to some features or functionalities of the American Dream11 platforms. By visiting our website or using our mobile applications, users consent to the use of cookies as described in this policy. Users can modify cookie settings or withdraw consent at any time through browser settings. Please note that exercising these controls may impact the usability and functionality of our services.

  5. Changes to the Cookies Policy

    American Dream11 reserves the right to update or modify this Cookies Policy as necessary. Any changes will be reflected on this page, and users will be informed of significant updates through appropriate channels.

  6. Contact Information

    For any queries or concerns regarding this Cookies Policy or our use of cookies and tracking technologies, please contact us at the following:
    American Dream11 LLC
    Address: 701 Tillery Street Unit 12-2160, Austin, Texas 78702, United States
    This policy is effective as of __________________.